Every time I explain that my job is to help people discover and/or get closer to their Life’s Purpose, I feel fear. Fear of our Life’s Purpose being such a great thing that it’s better not to even think about it. Fear of all the things we will have to face and/or let go of to get closer to living our Life’s Purpose. This confrontation/letting go being so scary and exhausting in advance that once again, better not think about it at all.
There is a deep and oh so so so beautiful poem on that subject that I have discovered from the movie “Coach Carter” (2005) and that Marianne Williamson have used or maybe written but Nelson Mandela have as well, so I will go to the reason why I am bringing it up.
This poem expresses that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us”.
Knowing our Life’s Purpose is liberating and oh so so so empowering but like any path, it’s not without its difficulties and responsibilities. Uncovering it is also not as simple but as I stated in my title, you may not like it, but it is a question of choice. Of consciously deciding that from now on, you will make it your mission to figure out what you are on this Earth to do. Relentlessly standing up when you are being put down, learning and experimenting once more when your first or N number or try didn’t work, discovering your body, your mind and even your spirit and starting to love them unconditionally. Discovering the unconditional and limitless support from Life, accepting it, trusting it and growing with it to your fullest, truest, most embodied You.
Spoiler alert: your Life’s Purpose is not or doesn’t have to be this great thing as in ruling the world, or becoming awarded with a Peace Nobel Prize, or whatever it is that’s comes to mind.
Your Life’s Purpose is about being you, listening to that voice inside of you and consciously choosing it over every others.
You are powerful beyond measure and it would be my honor to help you discover your gifts, learn to be comfortable with them and take them out into the World that needs just that today.
And you can find the whole poem below