For those of you who couldn't attend my presentation, here is the recording.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions:
Or scroll below to work with me.
Feeling burnt out, lacking energy and/or motivation, experiencing recurring pain, digestion, elimination, skin, sleep, body odors issues?
- Ayurveda ~ “Science of Life” - Preventative medicine for those who seek better health
- Ayurvedic Approach: “In Ayurveda, we don’t treat the Symptoms, we address the Root Cause”
- Ayurveda changes the way we see the world:
- Qualities/Gunas(10 couple of opposites),
- Elements,
- Doshas/Constitutions (state at birth/childhood compared to imbalances today)
- 6 stages of development of disease: Accumulation, Provocation, Spread, Deposition, Manifestation, Complication
- Ayurveda focuses on good digestion and management of toxins to prevent disease
- Real Life application: Like increases Like, Opposites balance: going back to the qualities and how we feel -> establishing supportive
- lifestyle routines, in harmony with natural cycles,
- refined diet with 6 tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent),
- and better understanding of the body altogether
Still confused about Ayurveda? Curious to know what it has to say for you specifically?
Life Designed By You ~ Marianne ~ Transformational Life Coach & Ayurveda Health Counselor
At Life Designed By You, my goal is to do exactly that. Help You Design the Life that You Want, supporting You in making it Your Reality.
- Ayurvedic Consultations
Book online:
Details: in person for those who live in or around Nelson – BC or online, in English or French, 90 minutes long on average. Once booked online, email received for confirmation or zoom link (as needed) and an invitation to create a profile on a telehealth app (in order to fill out the necessary forms before I see you – history (about 30 minutes time of completion), current situation (about 1,5h time of completion), a few pictures and a food journal (over a 3 days span)). By donation ($30 minimum). Everyone welcome, practice consultations to graduate from my training as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor.
- Transformational Life Coaching Sessions
Looking forward to helping you on your Path towards a Healthier Body and a Happier Life.
Helpful Resources: Joyful Belly School of Ayurveda website, “Idiot’s Guide Ayurveda” by Sahara Rose, “The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies” by Dr. Vasant Lad, “Eat Feel Fresh Cookbook” by Sahara Rose and “Discover Your Dharma” by Sahara Rose as well