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Writer's pictureMarianne

What can I be grateful for?

Today marks the day of my first step towards my coming back to France after two years of absence. That second home of mine. That second piece of my heart that has been waiting to be reconnected with for a little while now.

This past week has been a time of closure, contemplation, reconnection. On my last walk before my departure, in that peaceful and oh so beautiful forest in Nelson, as always, I felt my heart swell with love and gratitude, so deeply rooted that it even goes beyond words.

And I couldn’t keep it to myself so I am popping back on here to share with you how grateful, thankful and blessed I feel today, on that receiving end of Life’s gifts. Streams running down the mountains, lakes, birds, bears, flowers, vibrant colors of the lushy forest, trees, moss, squirrels, blue sky, amazing fragrances,…. And people, friends, amazing coworkers, future clients, love, support, encouragements,….

I will most certainly share the highlights of my trip with you as you are coming with me, if not physically, at least in my heart but I wanted to invite you today or as soon as you can, if you were waiting for a sign, to go out there, for a walk, a run, a hike, a bike ride, a row, canoe, kayak or just to sit, meditate, do yoga, ... Whatever it is, open your eyes, your heart, your whole self to this breathtaking beauty surrounding us.

A Life of True Alignment, Peace, Love, Inner-Knowing is possible. Life is present. She is so benevolent and ready to guide you. I really wish that this summer will bring you more of this all if you are lucky enough to know what it is. And if you don’t, my wish for you is to be open, surrender, trust, to reach out in order to find clarity and understanding for whatever requires it.

Don’t forget, I have been trained as a Life Coach to help you find exactly that and if you are willing to discover your Life’s Purpose, feel free to send me a message, book a free Discovery Call or follow my Facebook Page.

I am here for you and cannot wait to work with you if that’s what you feel called to do. Though, if you feel called to share with friends or family members that you think will benefit from what I offer, I would love for you to go ahead and share, it will always be a pleasure to support those who need my help.

With all my heart,


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